Archive for ‘LIGHTING’

March 15, 2012

FURNNISH Blog Today: Styling Idea # 388 Orange Check


As a born again Melbournian I have been spending a fair bit of time reading through The Design Files. It’s kinda like getting out and about and having a good shop without having to leave the comfort of your own home. (Although, cabin fever has set in and today I WILL be getting out and about to see these stores in the flesh). Anyway, I cam across these lovely images and wanted to this floor immediately.

Plantation coffee house was designed by Foolscap Studio in collaboration with Jennifer Lowe and Brooke Thorn. All the photos by Tracey Lee Hayes . For more photos and details of the project CLICK HERE. 

February 24, 2012

Styling Idea # 375 Panelling Over Wallpaper


OMG- I spent yesterday meeting some of the most amazing, friendly and helpful (oops, forgot to mention talented) people at Life In Style in Sydney. I had the most encouraging 3 hours talking to people about my *business idea* – lots of support and encouragement. Will totally sit down after the weekend to sort out some shout outs but for now I am getting all dolled up for an 11am wedding! Sophisticated for a Friday don’t we think?

So… is fair to say I am feeling a bit visually-over-stimulated at the moment- so many ideas, designers, plans going around but still managed to see LOADS of potential in this idea…

Below it is all tone on tonal however you could go to town with prints that are bright, or paneling that is in neon, or each panel section having a different wallpaper….I mean really there are endless visions dancing in my head right now…I hope you can see them all! How would you do this one??

February 14, 2012

Styling Idea # 367 Rich Tuesdays – A Moroccan Tour


Ok, it is no real surprise that Sara Chamberlain (me) wants to be a) rich and b) the queen of Morocco. We have been through both of these concepts many times before on FURNNISH and you, dear reader are always sympathetic to my fantasies (although, it would have been nice for someone to point out that I was using up two wishes when in fact the Queen  of Morocco is probably rich anyway…..oh well).

So, here on my return to Rich Tuesday’s I will give you a quick tour around my palace. (I am just being silly, but isn’t that what blogs are for??)

PS Thanks for reading my peeps!

PPS If your images are not lining up I am sorry, can’t work that out….won’t need to worry too much when I am the Queen I guess…others around to help with such tasks.

Richard Powers via Fabrik of Life

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January 12, 2012

Styling Idea # 345 Exposed Bulb Lights


Sorry lovely readers. Due to a technical glitch my post was not sent this morning.

Anyway- a quick lunch time squiz came up with this little beauty! I LOVE the idea of the exposed bulb on the cord but hadn’t even thought about hanging over a bedhead like this!

Where to buy? I saw these lights in a range of colours and lengths at Small Spaces-a newish store in Redfern. This stunning little store is full of simple designs for …Small Spaces! You really should check it out.

Desire to Inspire

January 5, 2012

Styling Idea # 340 Pendants and Mirror in Kitchen- oh my!


Yesterday I said you could hang a mirror low to the ground, now I am suggesting hanging it in the kitchen.

Well, I never! This person must seriously be related to my mother otherwise how on earth would they know that mirrors and pendants are completely acceptable anywhere- even over the kitchen bench. What a joy.

Check it out here at Stil Inspiration 

Stil Inspiration

Stil Inspiration

Stil Inspiration


  • This is a perfectly acceptable way to do a small kitchenette if you are renovating
  • Marry palettes together if you are trying to create spaciousness, if you are a bit more daring you could opt for printed shades or perhaps a feature colour around the frame of the mirror. If subtle is not your style try a bright colour on the frame and consider painting the legs of one of the chairs in the same hue.
  • Don’t worry if the mirror looks “un-kitchen-like” it is fine to use any style….except ugly
  • Play with other streamline spaces like desks or built in cabinets that are looking dull and dated.
  • PS Don’t you just love the checked chair!!